Leap of faith. Transmedial Photography

North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts
May 15 through September 15, 2024

Curated by Prof. Dr. Steffen Siegel

»Leap of faith« refers to a risky jump that leaves doubts about a successful landing. Can contemporary photography take such a leap towards new images and a new orientation in the world? Have photographic images in the age of artificial intelligence become a mere matter of faith? Or is there still reason to trust them? Contemporary visual art can provide answers, and it does so with a surprising variety of photographic forms: as tableau, in sculptures and installations, or as video.

For the first time, the North Rhine-Westphalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts is showing a group exhibition of this size in the spacious rooms of its building next to Düsseldorf’s Florapark. On display are works by 21 artists: Ale Bachlechner, Johannes Bendzulla, Enya Burger, Tony Cragg, Max Dauven, Mara Fischer, Philipp Goldbach, Alex Grein, Mischa Kuball, Alwin Lay, Katharina Ley, Joanna Nencek, Johannes Raimann, Rebecca Ramershoven & Jakob Schnetz, Sebastian Riemer, Simon Ringelhan, Thomas Ruff, Adrian Sauer, Berit Schneidereit, Sophie Thun, and Christopher Williams.