For many decades, research on the theory and history of photography has been a core interest of various academic disciplines. These include art history, media studies, philosophy, cultural studies, literary studies, linguistics, history, sociology, and ethnology.
At Folkwang University of the Arts, students holding a degree in the humanities or social sciences have the opportunity to work on individual academic projects focusing on theoretical and/or historical questions related to photography. In German-speaking countries, Folkwang is the only university that confers a doctorate (Dr. phil.) in the theory and history of photography.
Each semester, a two or three-day research colloquium provides space for intense discussion of current dissertation projects. However, it is also open to doctoral students pursuing their research projects on the theory and history of photography outside of Folkwang.
Please consult the current regulations for our PhD program (no. 342 of September 17, 2018) here.